Thursday, March 01, 2007

Chapter 4

Tax cuts, health spending in Quebec pre-election budget

This article talks about Liberal Premier Jean Charest’s pre-election budget. His plan is a $250 million tax cut and spend $1.3 billion more on healthcare. It was revealed a day before the electional call by Finance Minister Michel Audet. The total spending on health care is $23.6 billion will go to hiring new doctors and improving surgrey waiting lists. The Liberal budget also includes $7.9 billion for roads and bridges, with incentives for drivers who buy certain hybrid vehicles. They will be rewaded with a $2000 provincial sales tax refund. The budget also includes special mesures for montreal and Quebec city, “economic engines” for Quebec. The Liberal government budget invests $900 million over 5 years in Montreal which plays a crucail role in Quebec’s development. The province will invest $300 million in Quebec City and $15 million to refurbish the Jean-Lesage airport. Quebec wll also spend $300 million into regions where local economies have suffered job cuts and plant closures. Also investing more into education, spending in day-care tax credits, cleaning up the Saint-Charles River, eliminate capital investment tax for manufacturing business, the film indsutry, and Quebec City’s 400th anniversary celebrations. Quebec’s debt will reach $122 billion in fiscal year 2007-2008 and the province is warning of a shortfall of $1 billion for next year’s budget. Opposition parties are not impressed because they think it’s just going to be another dissapointment.

In relation to chapter 4, the chapter deals with the responsibilities and the role of the government in Canada. This article talks about government spending and taxes. The main areas of provincial spending are health, education, social services. In this article, it exaplins that the new budget plan which will take effect in 2008, will spend $1.3 million more on healthcare in order to hire more dictors and fix problems with surgrey waiting lists. This is great news to people in Quebec because of more doctors, people will be provided with service more quickly, and the surgrey waiting list will be shorter. This will prevent people’s health from getting worse or suffer more. The government has done a good change to what matters the most to society, health. The second most important government spending is education where they will invest $567 million, which didn’t report which areas specifically. The budget also includes $7.9 billion for roads and bridges so that transportation and communication will be easier for everyone. It allows more people with more chances of communication among everyone in Quebec. Quebec is also rewarding people who purchase hybrid cars of $2000. The reason for this is because they want to decrease the amount of harm to the environment. Quebec is also investing money into cities like Montreal and Quebeic City. They know the potential of those two cities that help develop Quebec. They are both considered econmic engines for Quebec.

Another big change in the new budget is that there will be a $250 million tax cut. The taxes that we pay are used for public services. People might think because of the reduce in tax, services are reduced in quality. But this is not it, the reason for the tax cut is because they think the economy is doing really well and there is no need to keep taxes that high. By doing this, financial problems may be solved because everyone will have more money. Another benefit to this is the growth of the economy.

However, is it true that these new budget plans will not happen according to the opposition parties? The opposition parties believe that it will not work because the previous budget promises didn’t work. I think it will happen this time because they can’t dissapoint everyone again. If it can really happen, it is a great step for a better economy in Quebec. It is a huge responsibility and they should keep their promises.